Suwa Arana is the first in Sri Lanka for Paediatric Palliative care, in addition it will also provide accommodation for children with cancer while undergoing treatment. It is aimed at providing an optimal healing environment to stimulate and support the inherent healing capacity of children, families and their care providers.

  • Responsive Design : Developing a website that seamlessly adapts to different devices and screen sizes, ensuring optimal user experience.

  • Performance Optimization : Enhancing website speed and load times for improved user engagement.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) : Optimizing the website to improve visibility and ranking on search engine results pages.

  • Responsive Design : Employing responsive design frameworks, thorough testing on multiple devices, and utilizing media queries to adjust layout and styles dynamically.

  • Performance Optimization : Optimizing image sizes and formats reduces their file size, improving load times. Minifying CSS and JavaScript files removes unnecessary whitespace and reduces their size. Implementing caching mechanisms allows the browser to store and retrieve static resources more efficiently. Leveraging content delivery networks (CDNs) distributes website resources geographically, reducing latency.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) : Implement proper meta tags, use structured data markup, optimize page load speed, create high-quality content, and acquire quality backlinks.

"Thanks to IF Solutions, our Suwa Arana website is a beacon of hope for Paediatric Palliative care in Sri Lanka. It beautifully showcases our mission to provide care and accommodation for children with cancer. Their exceptional website development has been instrumental in raising awareness and support."

Dr. Lanka Jayasuriya Dissanayake

Suwa Arana(Director)

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Final Output Website

How we doing so far



UI Design

Final Output Website

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